Update from Lebanon Mark
Following the meeting of Lebanon Mark on the 3rd April, RWBro Peter Connolly advises that he has had an email from RWBro John Wright PGSW, President of the Mark Benevolent Fund.
After leaving Liverpool on Tuesday, he went to Mark Masons' Hall for a Board meeting. where he then sought out W Bro Darren Coleman (who administers our Mark Charities) and handed him the £1,000 cheque he had received at Lebanon the previous evening, from VW Bro Michael Clarke.
Bro Darren advised that this took the funds raised for the "London Walk", above £200,000, for the first time. Another great milestone, with West Lancashire at the forefront.
The £1,000 cheque, comprised £250 ring fenced by Lebanon, £250 given to celebrate their Installation which had been very generously doubled by WL Mark Charity fund.